Tuesday, March 9, 2010

New Surveillance Cameras

The current surveillance cameras are pretty big and way to easy to spot for criminals. The criminals know the cameras way to well, and now know where their range ends, and they do some damage where the cameras can't see them. But soon all this will come to an end, with the new and improved cameras that are harder to spot with a much wider range.
They expect in 3-5 years that the new wave of cameras will be so small and have such great vision that there will be no way to hide from the police cameras. Someone apposing this plan had this to say, "They use federal money so they've never had to argue for these things in a budget. They've never had to answer the question of whether these things work in reducing crime," Stating that they never really looked into how well the cameras actaully work.  These cameras should and could reduce    crime in the roughest neighborhoods around the Chicago area. They are looking into putting in camreas in more schools, and this small "invisible" cameras in many more public places.
Some think that these cameras will work for a little, but the overall goal wont be reached. What do you think about the new camera purposal?

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