Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Out of Work and Out of the Search

Millions were left out of last months count and many counts before that. Millions are not counted in the unemployment rate. This happens every month more and more people are not counted  in the total number. Why is this? Well its mainly because these millions of people that are not being counted for have stopped looking for jobs let only any work. This does not mean that many Americans don't want job but it is that they have been looking for so long and have failed over and over again that the recession is wearing and beating them up. It man seem like we are a bunch of lazy Men and Women but really we are just looking too hard and have no where to turn.
Some halting their job search because of pure frustration and others because it makes more sense too. By stopping they can become stay at home moms or dads and many more people are going back to school to enhance their degree. By doing this they will look better for employers and maybe the recession will slow down by the time schools over.
Here's one way to look at it. So in High school there's the hottest girl and she keeps getting asked to go on dates with numerous amount of guys and says "No" and at some point you stop asking her out because it get to the point where its like why bother? Its just like that in the Job Market today so many people have been told no so many times that they don't even bother anymore.
So is there a right choice here? Go back to school or stay at home with the family? or could you keep looking for that job because you neven know what door may be opened?

1 comment:

S. Bolos said...

Interesting comparison between the job search and the "hot girl" date. But I am not exactly clear on how this relates our course or American society, specifically. Think about how you might make a stronger link between the two.