Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Olympics: a Test of Athletes or Politcal Power

As we all know Chicago is not the host for the 2016 Olympic games. :( We all are so sad and bummed that our city is not going to be the home to thousands of athletes in the summer of 2016. Why didn't we get it? It seemed like all Americans were shocked to see Chicago get knocked out first. Weather of not if you wanted the games here it would have meant so much to only the city but our country. But I feel like us the Chicagoans took being a option to host the games for granted.
The fact that the President of the United States Barack Obama is from Chicago we all thought that we would for sure get it. Was his speech to authoritative? to listen to his speech click. Did we really think that we would get to host the games just because the president is from our city. What about South America they have never had the games and they wanted to give them a shot.
Rather then seeing that and thinking that its a good we assumed that the whole world was out to get us. And that politics get in the way of an event that is not meant to be political but it is suppose to consist of athletes representing their country.
If Obama didnt represent Chicago and Michael Jordan did instead would we have gotten the Games? Most likely not, the voters wouldn't have change who they voted for. Maybe one of the best athletes of all time would help our cause. Now we can look forward to another race for the games maybe the 2020 or 2024 games.

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